map and photos

Amy Here:

Here’s a map that I made of our travels.If you’re curious about distances, it’s approximately 200 miles from Wissembourg, at the top of our journey, to Saint-Claude at the southernmost tip of our travels.   I’ve put dots on all the communities we visited, and the line goes only between communities where we spent the night.  We started in Strasbourg, then slept in Saverne, Besançon, Maîche, Arbois, Vesoul, Luxeuil-les-Bains, Mulhouse, Colmar, Selestat, Wissembourg, Obernai, and finally in Strasbourg.

Also, I uploaded 1,306 photos from the trip.  You can access them here:

In looking through our posts, I noticed that David is not smiling in most of the photos, which is too bad since he has a lovely smile.  So, I’m posting one that I took during our last day in Alsace.  David and I wound up having wine, cheese, and tarte flambée at the same winstub along the Ils in Strasbourg that we visited at the beginning of our trip.

    • Christine Schwach
    • April 29th, 2011

    Hi Amy ! I’ve read all the blog and your trip in France looks wonderful ! I’m very happy you and your team appreciated the program. I was jealous beacuse you saw lots of things I never saw in my own country lol.

    I was not able to see you before you came back home because of my surgery. Now everything is all right for me and I’m fine.

    Bye bye !

    • amylmcbride
    • April 29th, 2011


    J’espère que votre intervention s’est bien passée. Je suis désolé que nous n’ayons pas à passer plus de temps avec vous. Nous avons eu un grand voyage, et j’espère que je te reverrai un jour.

    Votre amie,


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